Unwrap a Better Body for the Holidays!
to Dec 31

Unwrap a Better Body for the Holidays!

  • RebelFit NH & Total Well Coach (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Unwrap a Better Body for the Holidays!  Make the CHOICE for a HEALTHY HOLIDAY SEASON!  8-Week program includes "Goldilocks Workout", not to easy, not too hard but just right!  Nutrition coaching.  Healthy Habit Coaching.  InBody Body Composition Analsysis.  With Coach Joyce Strong!  RN, BSN, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Certified Whole30 Coach, Certified Wellcoach, USA Hockey Level 5 Coach.  http://www.totalwellcoach.com​  Classes go from 11/-5 through 12/31 on M-W-F at 10am.

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